When this message is met freshly, it may become revolutionary. What was limited by the illusion of a separate experiencer, turns out to be boundless freedom. What has been a personal experience only, turns out to be unlimited energy. What was rejected, is revealed to be all there is – and is revealed to be perfect love. This revelation is impersonal, yet it is without doubt.

This vivid and ungraspable appearance is nothing and everything. ‘You reading these lines’ is the directness and totality from which nothing is separate. ‘You reading these lines’ – and all that seems to be happening with it – is neither a concept nor an experience. Who could watch this totality? Who could experience everything that seems to be happening and who could find an answer to it?

What seems to be happening’ cannot be grasped as it is not an experience. It is an impersonal appearance – direct and total, yet empty and uncompromising. There is nothing to achieve. There is no one. This apparent happening is all there is. It does not lead anywhere, it does not have any intention, it will not help anyone to become more complete.